Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our AWESOME weekend:

As some of you may know we are heading out to BC for the summer. I am BEYOND excited. I get crazy just thinking about it! Well our plan is to pack everything up and just put it in storage. So we've been going through our stuff and getting rid of stuff. We took 6 garbage bags to Goodwill, 2 to some friends, and I have 3 rubbermaids of stuff for my sister! We are on fire! It feels so awesome to have it all out of here and have someone actually use it instead of it all just sitting in our basement taking up space.

The scouts (well... mostly the mothers of the scouts) put on an incredible fundraiser on saturday. It was a spaghetti dinner and an auction. So excited for all the deals we got. BTW... it's all gift cards not stuff to fill the space of all the junk we just got rid of :O) lol! We had an awesome time. I also got to do some more crafting for this night too! I made some cute little signs and a FHE board... and even made one for myself!

Sunday we had a great time with a family from our church! They came over for dinner and the kids even put on a show for us. JUST HILARIOUS!

Today my kiddies let me sleep in till 8:30! YAY! We had some breakfast and they have been playing nicely together since then. Oh and my husband left sticky notes for me... Luckiest girl in the world!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Some Silhouette Projects

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hahaha... Can I still say that considering it is now Feb? Probably not :P Here are some projects I've been working on!